Easter Anew

March 30, 2016 12:00 AM

Over these past few years, Easter has become more and more precious to me. I have come to see that while this is the most important holy day of the year, it is also the most important truth that I have on every other day, too. Simply put, Easter means that Jesus is not dead anymore.

Jesus is real. Jesus is available. Jesus is present. Jesus is forgiving. Jesus gives hope. Jesus does not change.Or grow tired of you. Or forget your birthday. Or move on to better people. He does not freak out when you fall apart. He does not move when you have. He is not scared of wars or their rumors. He does not hate the world even when we think he should. Jesus is alive today. He is alive because death, hate, addiction, racism, abuse, war, oppression, and indifference at them all were not enough to kill him for long.
This is why today is Easter anew. He is still risen indeed.
Ben Willey