Classes & Gatherings

Joining together in community on a specific topic

Celebrate Recovery

A safe place to share and find help and freedom from our hurts, habits and hang ups

Generous Finances

Equipping and encouraging the body to practice generosity by releasing them from financial bondage and teaching contentment and biblical money management principles.

Community Groups

Small groups of adults you can do live with.

Your Marriage and Family Matters - Seminar

Dr David Merkh and his wife, Carol Sue have given their lives to helping couples with their marriages and parents with their children. They bring a specifically Bible centered teaching on marriage and family.

AWE Seminar

In the face of a world that is often a life of ANXIETY, STRESS and ANGER, God wants to awe us with Himself as his primary method of shaping us as his children.

The Torah: What is the Story? - Seminar

Have you ever wondered about all the strange stories in the first 5 books of the Bible? This seminar will address these questions and more as we walk through the story presented in the Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy). Most importantly, we will consider how Jesus is the goal (fulfillment) of the Torah.

Can I Trust the Bible? seminar

Explore and answer key questions about the trustworthiness of the Bible.

AWE Series

This 10 session series takes a look at our circumstances and the ever uncertain world around us and asks, what are we supposed to do with all this fear?

Embark Series

If you are beginning a new community group, this series is all about what it means to be in community and doing life together.

Baptism Class

Learn about what baptism is and prepare to be baptized yourself

Membership Class

Learn more about what we believe at Fellowship and take next steps toward becoming a member.