Fellowship KIDS February 28
February 25, 2021 2:27 PM
Let's Start With Worship!!!
It's so good to worship the Lord together. Here are songs we have used at FCC to draw our hearts to Jesus and praise Him for His love for us - every day!Worship Video 1
Worship Video 2
And remember to check out these two videos too,
February 28, 2021 As you come to learn about God today, get out your Bibles and read together. Then watch these Kid videos below. Bible video 1 is most appropriate for 4 year olds through 1st grade. Bible video 2 is geared for 2nd-5th graders.Discuss
PreK-1st grade: Praises and Psalms 1. Watch Bible video 1 above. What is a psalm? 2. Are all Psalms songs which praise God or do some Psalms sing of other emotions and thoughts? Name them. 3. Read Psalm 1 out loud. What does this psalm say about what makes a person happy or blessed? 4. Read Psalm 100. What does verse 1 say we should do to praise God? Can you do that now out loud? 5. Psalm 100:3. Who does it say made us? 6. Read Psalm 100:4. What is our response to all of God's goodness? Can you do that as a family now? 7. Print out the activity sheets and complete them. Remember, God deserves all of our praise. Sing a song for Jesus today!2nd-5th grades: Psalm 119 and Praising God 1. Our good and great God is worthy of honor and praise. Open your Bibles to Psalm 119. What do verses 1-3 say makes people happy? 2. This Psalm focuses on the importance of God's Word. What does Psalm 119:9-11 say the Word of the Lord can do in a young person's life? 3. Read Psalm 119:89-90. What truth about God do these 2 verses proclaim? 4. Memorize Psalm 119:105. How can knowing this Psalm in your mind and heart give you hope? 5. Think deeper: Read Psalm 100. What are 2 things about God that you learned from this Psalm? 6. Find a way to praise God today. Play your favorite praise song on the radio and sing loudly to Jesus! Or draw something beautiful and give Praise to God for His creation. Check out the activity sheets for more fun!
Activity and Coloring: Praises and Psalms