Fellowship KIDS March 21

March 17, 2021 6:28 PM

Let's Start With Worship!!!

It's so good to worship the Lord together. Here are songs we have used at FCC to draw our hearts to Jesus and praise Him for His love for us - every day!

Worship Video 1

Worship Video 2

And remember to check out these two videos too,
">here and



March 21, 2021

As you come to learn about God today, get out your Bibles and read together. Then watch these Kid videos below. Bible video 1 is most appropriate for 4 year olds through 1st grade. Bible video 2 is geared for 2nd-5th graders.


PreK-1st grade: Daniel and Friends 1. Watch Bible video 1 above. What did the king build? 2. What did the king say the people must worship? 3. Did ALL the people bow down to the statue of gold? If not, who refused to bow down to it? 4. When they refused to worship the golden statue, what happened to them? Did they get hurt by the fire? 5. Who rescued them from the fire? 6. Did you know God can rescue you from fear? 7. Print out the activity sheets and complete them. Remember, God alone is the one who saves. He is the 1 TRUE GOD!

FCC kids' Pinterest account name is FellowshipKids - Most weeks new craft ideas are posted which go along with our Bible stories. Check it out!

2nd-5th grades: Daniel and Friends 1. Open your Bible to Daniel 3. Watch the second video above. 2. Daniel was a prophet called by God during a time when the Israelites were not living in their homeland. They had been conquered by Babylon. Who was the king of Babylon at that time? (Daniel 3:1) 3. What did the king build? (Daniel 3:1) 4. What does verse 6 say about anyone who did NOT do as the king commanded? What did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego do (Daniel 3:12)? 5. Read verse 17 carefully. Who did these men say would save them when they did not worship the statue? 6. The next part of the story is amazing! God continues to rescue his people in mighty and miraculous ways! Read through verse 27. How did the king respond when he saw 4 people in the fire? 7. Remember, God saves. He rescues. He doesn't ever change - which means he can save and rescue YOU today - from anything you may fear.

Activity and Coloring: Fiery Furnace