Junior Highers in 1 John
October 28, 2021 9:18 AM
Over half way through the year already! Moving into November and looking squarely towards Thanksgiving and Christmas only several weeks away. Let me just say, it has been an awesome semester of youth group for the junior highers this fall, and we're really looking forward to the rest of the year!
Together on Fridays from 7-9pm, we've been moving through portions of each chapter of the book of 1 John which is a shorter and very profound letter in the New Testament. Each night, we've been focusing on two or three verses to fix our attention towards in order to really dive deep into what God is speaking through John in his letter.
And, the best part is, it's not always me talking at you! In our small groups, we've created a space for you to engage with and respond to Scripture: asking questions about what might be confusing, highlighting what you really enjoyed in going through those verses, and diving deep alongside each other to really know and understand what's going on. It's a space where we can begin to make our faith personal to each of us.
And yes, the games, the fun, and the themed nights have been absolutely electric! This semester, we've had nights with games like Wubble Bubble Volleyball, Pool Noodle Hockey, 9-Square and Knockout, Capture the Flag in the field outside, and, this Friday, a big event: our Fall Festival with all things fall-themed imaginable.
Current 6th-8th graders: with plenty more deep studying together in God's Word and more fun events to come, we would love to see you come out and experience a night of youth group! To see you get involved, make friends, and get to know Jesus more or for the first time in relationship with Him.
Rejoicing in Christ,