Look Both Ways

January 6, 2025 8:57 PM
Look Both Ways

I have a terrible memory. I often misplace my keys and am utterly dependent upon my phone calendar (and my wife) to remind me about meetings, doctor appointments, and soccer practice schedules! Reflecting on the day, week, or even year is something I enjoy doing because…I easily forget. Joanna and I were driving recently, and I asked her if she could look through last year's pictures and remind me of everything that happened this year. We relived the joys and sorrows all over again because…I forget. 

Thankfully, scripture provides hope and guidance for forgetful people like me. God repeatedly commands his people to remember all He has done. If we look through recorded biblical history, we'll notice that it only takes a few generations to forget and repeat the sins of their ancestors–sometimes even less. As we look at 2024 in the rearview mirror, let's learn from forgetful people pausing to praise God for his incredible, sustaining grace that saw us around the sun yet again this year.  

A new year affords us the chance to set goals and resolutions. We're on day three. How's everyone doing? I'm challenged each year by the words I read from Paul Tripp: "Change typically takes place in ten thousand little mundane moments, not one life-altering event." It's tempting to chase quick-fix solutions, but don't forget that change happens moment by moment, day by day, over a long time. As you pursue a host of new things this year, I pray you'll fall more in love with Christ. He is relentlessly committed to loving sinners like me and you with new mercy each day. 

It's a joy to live out this charge from the apostle Paul: "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day" (2 Corinthians 4:16).


Maybe one of your goals this year is to read your Bible more. In 2024 I read through the Bible chronologically using a Bible App plan called "The Bible Recap". It was such a joy to catch the grand story of scripture and learn more about the character of God! I loved it so much, I'm doing it again.  

Want to join me in reading through the Bible this year? -------> here's the link