Missions Prayer Update - April 2021
April 2, 2021 3:20 PM
ACEVEDO, ODWAR AND RITA WOL Belize os.acevedo@hotmail.com
Thank you so much for your support to our family and ministry.
Pray for the IDP (Intensive Discipleship Program), a youth program and for the finances to run it. Pray for protection, health and fruit in the youths’ lives as it runs a whole month.
AJIN, RONY AND CORIN WOL Guatemala ronyajin@yahoo.com Pray for wisdom… for ministry authorities, in this time of pandemic, to guide our children in serving the Lord, to guide Eduardo, our oldest son, in making decisions to study at the university and for the Lord to give us health to serve in the ministry.
ALFONSO, OSCAR WOL Guatemala oeagijoe@gmail.com Pray for my parents as they have chosen to divorce and for me to remain neutral. Pray for my medical boards to get my bachelor's degree, and for my financial support and spiritual strength. God is in control! Thank you for everything you do for me.
ALVAREZ, BECKY WOL Guatemala becky.meja@yahoo.com Thank you for your love and faithfulness towards us. Please pray for protection in each trip to the camp and our Bible clubs that are starting soon. Sending you hugs! Ps. 33:22
ANTINORE, BILL AND BRENDA Seeds of Hope – Camden billantinore@gmail.com We are grateful to God for allowing us to stay present with those he has called us to minister to during the pandemic.
ARRIAGA, WILLSON AND JOANNA WOL Guatemala wilsonarriga@gmail.com Thankfully we were able to finally apply for Joanna’s permanent resident visa at the end of February. We should know in the next months or so if it will be accepted. We also moved last month into a new house. Sending our love to the church family.
BARRIOS, FERDY AND PATI WOL Guatemala ferdybarrios27@gmail.com We continue sharing with approximately 40 young people in our weekly Bible club. Ferdy’s responsibilities include continual development of the WOL website and the recording and editing of the Hora de Silencio podcast to reach people with the Gospel around the world. Pray for our spiritual growth and wisdom, for health, strength and trust and for our financial support, so that more people can be part of our ministry.
BOJ, CARLOS AND SILVIA WOL Guatemala cboj67@gmail.com We’re thankful for being in your prayers. We ask that you pray for the new projects in the western region of Guatemala. We seek to establish PDV Guatemala offices there to better serve the Bible Clubs and churches.
BOJ, JONATHAN WOL Guatemala sobrinoboj@gmail.com Please pray for me as I begin university studies and that God would continue to provide for my needs as I continue serving Him in the ministry.
BRADLEY, KAREN CRU – UN Embassy bradleyk@ce-un.org Praise! We started another small group Bible study of newly arrived diplomat wives. Pray for one wife who is not a believer but very engaged in the study. Please pray for the situation in Myanmar. We have many diplomat wives involved in our ministry. Pray for those who are believers to stand firm in faith in this turbulent time. Thank you!
CALLAHAN, CORINNE corinnejulia24@gmail.com
ESQUITE, SOLIVAN AND STACY WOL Guatemala esquitellisfamily@gmail.com We wish blessings to you all!. We have these reasons for prayer and gratitude to God: for keeping us safe during covid-19 and for watching over Stacy’s health. God bless you and keep you always, dear brothers.
CLEMENS, DAVID AND JANICE DCBTM – worldwide drdavidclemens@aol.com God graciously shows His specific will, time, place, and ways to share His Gospel. With personal written or spoken words, we email/text/visit; take individuals to lunch; purchase/give/send mono-grammed Bibles/books/booklets/tracts; suggest special TV programs; work on materials. Grateful for you.
COUGHLIN, BRENNAN AND KATHLEEN ABWE – Trenton kbcoughlin@gmail.com Please pray for our church plant as we begin to reach more military families. Pray, also, for opportunities to reach the nearby Indian immigrant population. Praise God that Options for Women pregnancy center opened its doors out of our former church office space in Trenton.
DAVIDSON, JEREMIAH AND ANNA MANY WITNESSES jeremiah@piba.org.br By God's grace we were able to begin a new cohort of men this year at the Pastors School, even with the Pandemic at its highest in Brazil. Please pray for us as a family (Manuela our daughter just turned 5), for relief from the Pandemic which has hospitals completely full, for this years group of godly men, and for our joy and faithfulness to serve Him with all the strength and wisdom He provides.
DE LA CRUZ, ELIUD AND KATIE WOL Guatemala afec13@hotmail.com On March 11th, we safely arrived in Michigan to begin our transition to ministry in Florida. We are raising support full time and our kids are finishing this home schooling year. Our prayer is to be settled in Florida by August 2021. We would covet your prayers as we embark on this new adventure.
DE LA ROSA, DANIEL AND KARIN WOL – Guatemala ksdelarosa3@hotmail.com God has been good. We have visited Malacatán twice and we're happy to continue working with the 3 existing Bible Clubs, and we're looking forward to adding 3 more. Looking forward to have you minister with us in 2022.
DE LA ROSA, ALEJANDRA WOL Guatemala alejandradlrosa3@gmail.com Praise! God provided me a vehicle. Pray I would be a good steward of its use. With more activities in the ministry, please pray for safety and for protection from the virus. Thank you for having me in your prayers.
EBERSOLE, HAROLD AND SHAWNE ABWE – Bangladesh hsebersole@gmail.com Harold has had ongoing fevers and fatigue since returning from Bangladesh. Tests have not shown the cause. Pray for perseverance as we wait on God for healing. Shawne’s Mom, Ruth Gelina, recently passed after having suffered from lung cancer. The Literature division is producing a book for the Easter season called “Living Cross”. Pray for the checking process and that it will transform lives. Pray that God will use the tribal schools to save many in Bangladesh. Pray that God will give us wisdom in knowing how best to serve in our new location in Tennessee as well as in ongoing ministries in Bangladesh.
ELLIS, GEORGE, WOL Guatemala George_neg@hotmail.com Hello FCC! I am a new missionary here in Guatemala. I thank God for the opportunity he gives me to be in charge of the Evangelism area, the Recreation area in the camps and the Biblical Clubs of the South zone of Guatemala. Please pray for my spiritual growth, social relationships, finances and areas of leadership. May God bless you!
ESCOBAR, EDWAR AND GLENDA WOL Guatemala edescobar1202@gmail.com
FIGUEROA, FERNANDO AND TATIANA WOL Guatemala ideasgraficas.gt.esc@gmail.com This has been a trying time for us. We moved from our home due to threats but God provided another place for us. We thank the Lord that our son’s life was spared after his car rolled over. Pray as we overcome these trying times and see God’s purpose for us.
FISHER, CRAIG AND CASSANDRA ABWE – Nicaragua ccfisher@abwe.cc Please pray for the commitment of the people of Iglesia Bautista Fountain of Life in Xiloá as we begin an 8-week membership class. Pray for the ministry of Centro ABEM to be well supported and well used to bless our partner churches. We thank God for his provision and protection of good health.
FUENTES, OSCAR AND MONICA WOL Guatemala oscar17221@hotmail.com As a result of the pandemic, numerous churches are now eager to start new Bible clubs. At the moment we are planning to open a permanent office in a large city. Please pray for safety as travel is often risky and the threat of Covid infection is constant.
FULLER, BETH SIL – Papua New Guinea beth_fuller@sil.org* Praise God for the translation workshop in the village finishing March 6! Translators rough drafted John 13-19! Please pray as Covid is currently breaking out strongly in PNG, even one case on our mission station. There is less testing done there, and far less medical care available. Please pray for wisdom about our next workshops (when there is government permission).
GOOD, TIM AND GINNY WOL – Poland woltimgood@gmail.com Praise: At English4Life, one married student acknowledged that now he knows that God wants them to serve the Lord with their lives! Online meetings in Jan. & March were a huge encouragement to youth all over the country. Please pray: 5 Summer Camps planned, Summer staff needs, funds for maintenance building & playground, permanent staff needs (maintenance man, housekeeper & cook).
HEYDINGER, SETH AND DINA WOL – Poland sethheydinger@wol.org We are continually grateful for your prayers and support of our ministry in Poland. Please pray for the spring term of our English4Life program, April 18 - June 11. Also, pray for us to be able to have camps this summer and for borders to open for Americans.
LEM, JENNIFER snoopylem@yahoo.com
LOPEZ, RUTH WOL Guatemala ruthlopezr@hotmail.com I continue the ministry online with Bible clubs, women’s ministry and discipleship. We are preparing the camp property to receive people soon. Thank you for praying for my health and support and for being a part of this ministry. I pray for you too.
MARSHFIELD, DALE AND KAREN TRI-M – India djmarshfield@gmail.com Dale was able to teach in India for three weeks in Feb/March. Pray for his business visa renewal and for ongoing modules and a new teacher training initiative with our translators.
MCAFEE, ROSS AND JANE O.M. – USA office ross.mcafee@om.org Ross was given an exciting opportunity to help establish a culture of coaching for OM’s U.S. office team of around 100 staff members which includes both support raising and leadership coaching. Jane is training our People Care Team to debrief missionaries returning from the field. We love what we get to do with OM for God’s glory!
MERKH, DAVE AND CAROL SUE WOL – Brazil pr_dmerkh@piba.org.br To date our extended family remains in good health. WOL Seminary began a new school year with about 150 resident students in various degree programs. After a 10-day total lockdown on arrival, classes began in March. Dave is teaching: Song of Solomon; Christian Home; Homiletics; Genesis 1-3 and Proverbs in semester-long or modular courses, as well as Biblical Theology of the Family. Plans are scheduled to visit our supporting churches and individuals in May/June/July.
MORGAN, DORINA dorinamorgan@hotmail.com As always, thank you for your faithful prayers and support! Over the last 6 months, I was attempting to get my religious visa but was unable to and must begin the process all over again. Please pray for this step so that I can stay in the country without having to be on a tourist visa. We are hoping to begin our ministry training center classes in April. Please continue to pray for this ministry and for wisdom as we make decisions.
MOURA, AIRTON AND VERA WOL – Brazil pr.airton@uol.com.br We praise God! Our ministries continue in spite of the pandemic of epic proportions nationwide. However, Word of Life has reached a serious crisis point. Our Brazilian colleagues have taken significant pay cuts. Most support staff have been let go with our missionaries, professors and their wives picking up the maintenance work of our facilities. Ministry vehicles have been sold and all non critical areas stopped. We realize that you, our friends, need to know of the situation. The LORD may want some of you to stand in the gap with us until normal ministries can resume.” Please pray for God’s provisions. We praise him for fully supplying our needs but we ask you to pray for protection and that we may encourage our students and dear brothers and sisters from our church who are suffering. ORTIZ, GABRIELA WOL Guatemala ortizgaby90@gmail.com A small change in my life as in April I will be moving to a small apartment near the office of WOL. Please pray for my monthly support since this change will increase my responsibilities. God bless you. PALACIOS, GISELLE WOL Guatemala giigiipal@gmail.com Beloved Church, it is a pleasure to be able to greet you through this letter. Thank you for praying along with me for the ministry. Pray especially for a girl named Eunice, a Bible club leader experiencing discouragement. Thank you for always being aware of my ministry and for supporting me in prayer.
PALMA, MARLON WOL, Guatemala marlonpalma21@gmail.com Pray for my dad, Gilmar, who has diabetes and has pain in his knees. Also pray for this year’s ministry as I continue discipleship with the leaders through Zoom. I thank God for his protection over me and my family during coronavirus.
PATT, FARELLY AND MARTA WOL Belize farellypatt@hotmail.com Marta and I as newlyweds are seeing how God has been working through us. We have started training the leaders of the Olympians program’s “Children ministry” and have visited with children in the program one of which accepted Christ. Pray for this month’s four evangelist programs for children in Belmopan, San Lazaro, Orange Walk and also Santa Clara. Pray that many kids can receive Jesus as their personal Savior.
PATTERSON, LOWELL AND DIXIE ABBA lowellthomas@comcast.net 1. Pray for 3 young women we are helping with baby items. 2. Pray for God's restraining hand under this federal administration. 3. Praise that our volunteers have been healthy during this past year.
RAMIREZ, NAEL WOL Belize naelwolbz@gmail.com We were invited by the Evangelical Mennonite Missionary Church, which reaches traditional Mennonite communities in Belize with the Gospel, to be their guest speakers for their Youth Leaders Retreat. We presented leadership workshops and our own ministry and resources. We also discussed translating our resources from English to Low German! It is indeed a very exciting opportunity! Thanks so much for your support!"
RIGSTAD, DENNY AND DOTTY ISI – Austin, TX dennis@rigstad.net Due to Covid our ministry has shifted to making Zoom calls to China. Those Chinese Christians previously in Austin are gathering a group of their friends, saved and unsaved, to practice improving their English. From there the conversation grows into sharing the gospel. Pray that I would have wisdom in guiding these conversations.
RUST, JON ABWE – Portugal jonrust@abwe.cc Wow - I actually made it back! I'm so grateful for many who have walked with me in prayer during these past months - Thank-you seems inadequate!! During my flight home, I could feel God leading me through Covid infested territory. Portugal is still in lock-down mode through Easter, so the ABWE Portugal team surprised me at the airport with a Zoom Welcome .Mollie videoed my arrival, chatted with all and then Kyle prayed for me - very special!
SAGASTUME, BETSI WOL Guatemala betsesag22@gmail.com Hello and greetings to you again. Thank you for your support for my work on the Word of Life Guatemala team. Pray that I make wise decisions for the Lord as I serve Him and thank you for supporting me in prayer and my finances. God bless you!
SALAZAR, HECTOR AND ROSMERY WOL – Guatemala hectoryrosmery@hotmail.com Dear FCC brethren, our heavenly father is using us for his glory in this 2021. Pray that God directs our hearts and minds and as Rosmery and I work to help a couple’s marriage to be restored. Praise! Our little 11 month old 'Hemery' is growing well and does not look premature anymore. God bless you all.
SANTA FE, JUAN AND MELISSA – Colombia msantafe@caminoglobal.org Thank you so much for your faithful giving and praying. We are so excited about the progress in our church planting. There are about 25 people that are the base of our church plant that are presently meeting in another church building. Juan and the national pastor will be conducting services on Sundays at 2:00. Also we will be launching five new life groups the month of April. We praise the Lord for such quick and incredible progress.
SOSA, GERSON AND BLANCA WOL Belize gerson_sosabz@outlook.com We praise God for providing us a beautiful home after Blanca and I got married in December 2020. Thank you for helping us obtain most of our home appliances and materials. During the past weeks, we have been working on reopening our local church youth group, starting new discipleships, and along with Word of Life Belize missionaries hosting breakfast prayer meetings with Pastors and male leaders.
TULEY, PASCAL Fellowship of Christian Athletes pascaltuley@gmail.com Hello Church family! We are in the process of preparing to move on June 1st! Please be praying for our transition across the states from Arizona to New Jersey!
VELASQUEZ, CANDY WOL – Belize velasquezk277@gmail.com
WEAVER, COURTNEY Accounting Beyond Borders cweaver@abbministries.com Thank you all for your dedicated prayer and support! In the last two months, our team has added another full-time missionary accountant and a part-time missionary accounting intern. Both are using their gifts to support our partner ministries. This growth in our team has allowed us to begin serving 4 new ministries in 2021 in the United States, Guatemala, and Chile. Pray that we serve additional ministries and faithfully walking in the mission God has laid before us.
AJIN, RONY AND CORIN WOL Guatemala ronyajin@yahoo.com Pray for wisdom… for ministry authorities, in this time of pandemic, to guide our children in serving the Lord, to guide Eduardo, our oldest son, in making decisions to study at the university and for the Lord to give us health to serve in the ministry.
ALFONSO, OSCAR WOL Guatemala oeagijoe@gmail.com Pray for my parents as they have chosen to divorce and for me to remain neutral. Pray for my medical boards to get my bachelor's degree, and for my financial support and spiritual strength. God is in control! Thank you for everything you do for me.
ALVAREZ, BECKY WOL Guatemala becky.meja@yahoo.com Thank you for your love and faithfulness towards us. Please pray for protection in each trip to the camp and our Bible clubs that are starting soon. Sending you hugs! Ps. 33:22
ANTINORE, BILL AND BRENDA Seeds of Hope – Camden billantinore@gmail.com We are grateful to God for allowing us to stay present with those he has called us to minister to during the pandemic.
ARRIAGA, WILLSON AND JOANNA WOL Guatemala wilsonarriga@gmail.com Thankfully we were able to finally apply for Joanna’s permanent resident visa at the end of February. We should know in the next months or so if it will be accepted. We also moved last month into a new house. Sending our love to the church family.
BARRIOS, FERDY AND PATI WOL Guatemala ferdybarrios27@gmail.com We continue sharing with approximately 40 young people in our weekly Bible club. Ferdy’s responsibilities include continual development of the WOL website and the recording and editing of the Hora de Silencio podcast to reach people with the Gospel around the world. Pray for our spiritual growth and wisdom, for health, strength and trust and for our financial support, so that more people can be part of our ministry.
BOJ, CARLOS AND SILVIA WOL Guatemala cboj67@gmail.com We’re thankful for being in your prayers. We ask that you pray for the new projects in the western region of Guatemala. We seek to establish PDV Guatemala offices there to better serve the Bible Clubs and churches.
BOJ, JONATHAN WOL Guatemala sobrinoboj@gmail.com Please pray for me as I begin university studies and that God would continue to provide for my needs as I continue serving Him in the ministry.
BRADLEY, KAREN CRU – UN Embassy bradleyk@ce-un.org Praise! We started another small group Bible study of newly arrived diplomat wives. Pray for one wife who is not a believer but very engaged in the study. Please pray for the situation in Myanmar. We have many diplomat wives involved in our ministry. Pray for those who are believers to stand firm in faith in this turbulent time. Thank you!
CALLAHAN, CORINNE corinnejulia24@gmail.com
ESQUITE, SOLIVAN AND STACY WOL Guatemala esquitellisfamily@gmail.com We wish blessings to you all!. We have these reasons for prayer and gratitude to God: for keeping us safe during covid-19 and for watching over Stacy’s health. God bless you and keep you always, dear brothers.
CLEMENS, DAVID AND JANICE DCBTM – worldwide drdavidclemens@aol.com God graciously shows His specific will, time, place, and ways to share His Gospel. With personal written or spoken words, we email/text/visit; take individuals to lunch; purchase/give/send mono-grammed Bibles/books/booklets/tracts; suggest special TV programs; work on materials. Grateful for you.
COUGHLIN, BRENNAN AND KATHLEEN ABWE – Trenton kbcoughlin@gmail.com Please pray for our church plant as we begin to reach more military families. Pray, also, for opportunities to reach the nearby Indian immigrant population. Praise God that Options for Women pregnancy center opened its doors out of our former church office space in Trenton.
DAVIDSON, JEREMIAH AND ANNA MANY WITNESSES jeremiah@piba.org.br By God's grace we were able to begin a new cohort of men this year at the Pastors School, even with the Pandemic at its highest in Brazil. Please pray for us as a family (Manuela our daughter just turned 5), for relief from the Pandemic which has hospitals completely full, for this years group of godly men, and for our joy and faithfulness to serve Him with all the strength and wisdom He provides.
DE LA CRUZ, ELIUD AND KATIE WOL Guatemala afec13@hotmail.com On March 11th, we safely arrived in Michigan to begin our transition to ministry in Florida. We are raising support full time and our kids are finishing this home schooling year. Our prayer is to be settled in Florida by August 2021. We would covet your prayers as we embark on this new adventure.
DE LA ROSA, DANIEL AND KARIN WOL – Guatemala ksdelarosa3@hotmail.com God has been good. We have visited Malacatán twice and we're happy to continue working with the 3 existing Bible Clubs, and we're looking forward to adding 3 more. Looking forward to have you minister with us in 2022.
DE LA ROSA, ALEJANDRA WOL Guatemala alejandradlrosa3@gmail.com Praise! God provided me a vehicle. Pray I would be a good steward of its use. With more activities in the ministry, please pray for safety and for protection from the virus. Thank you for having me in your prayers.
EBERSOLE, HAROLD AND SHAWNE ABWE – Bangladesh hsebersole@gmail.com Harold has had ongoing fevers and fatigue since returning from Bangladesh. Tests have not shown the cause. Pray for perseverance as we wait on God for healing. Shawne’s Mom, Ruth Gelina, recently passed after having suffered from lung cancer. The Literature division is producing a book for the Easter season called “Living Cross”. Pray for the checking process and that it will transform lives. Pray that God will use the tribal schools to save many in Bangladesh. Pray that God will give us wisdom in knowing how best to serve in our new location in Tennessee as well as in ongoing ministries in Bangladesh.
ELLIS, GEORGE, WOL Guatemala George_neg@hotmail.com Hello FCC! I am a new missionary here in Guatemala. I thank God for the opportunity he gives me to be in charge of the Evangelism area, the Recreation area in the camps and the Biblical Clubs of the South zone of Guatemala. Please pray for my spiritual growth, social relationships, finances and areas of leadership. May God bless you!
ESCOBAR, EDWAR AND GLENDA WOL Guatemala edescobar1202@gmail.com
FIGUEROA, FERNANDO AND TATIANA WOL Guatemala ideasgraficas.gt.esc@gmail.com This has been a trying time for us. We moved from our home due to threats but God provided another place for us. We thank the Lord that our son’s life was spared after his car rolled over. Pray as we overcome these trying times and see God’s purpose for us.
FISHER, CRAIG AND CASSANDRA ABWE – Nicaragua ccfisher@abwe.cc Please pray for the commitment of the people of Iglesia Bautista Fountain of Life in Xiloá as we begin an 8-week membership class. Pray for the ministry of Centro ABEM to be well supported and well used to bless our partner churches. We thank God for his provision and protection of good health.
FUENTES, OSCAR AND MONICA WOL Guatemala oscar17221@hotmail.com As a result of the pandemic, numerous churches are now eager to start new Bible clubs. At the moment we are planning to open a permanent office in a large city. Please pray for safety as travel is often risky and the threat of Covid infection is constant.
FULLER, BETH SIL – Papua New Guinea beth_fuller@sil.org* Praise God for the translation workshop in the village finishing March 6! Translators rough drafted John 13-19! Please pray as Covid is currently breaking out strongly in PNG, even one case on our mission station. There is less testing done there, and far less medical care available. Please pray for wisdom about our next workshops (when there is government permission).
GOOD, TIM AND GINNY WOL – Poland woltimgood@gmail.com Praise: At English4Life, one married student acknowledged that now he knows that God wants them to serve the Lord with their lives! Online meetings in Jan. & March were a huge encouragement to youth all over the country. Please pray: 5 Summer Camps planned, Summer staff needs, funds for maintenance building & playground, permanent staff needs (maintenance man, housekeeper & cook).
HEYDINGER, SETH AND DINA WOL – Poland sethheydinger@wol.org We are continually grateful for your prayers and support of our ministry in Poland. Please pray for the spring term of our English4Life program, April 18 - June 11. Also, pray for us to be able to have camps this summer and for borders to open for Americans.
LEM, JENNIFER snoopylem@yahoo.com
LOPEZ, RUTH WOL Guatemala ruthlopezr@hotmail.com I continue the ministry online with Bible clubs, women’s ministry and discipleship. We are preparing the camp property to receive people soon. Thank you for praying for my health and support and for being a part of this ministry. I pray for you too.
MARSHFIELD, DALE AND KAREN TRI-M – India djmarshfield@gmail.com Dale was able to teach in India for three weeks in Feb/March. Pray for his business visa renewal and for ongoing modules and a new teacher training initiative with our translators.
MCAFEE, ROSS AND JANE O.M. – USA office ross.mcafee@om.org Ross was given an exciting opportunity to help establish a culture of coaching for OM’s U.S. office team of around 100 staff members which includes both support raising and leadership coaching. Jane is training our People Care Team to debrief missionaries returning from the field. We love what we get to do with OM for God’s glory!
MERKH, DAVE AND CAROL SUE WOL – Brazil pr_dmerkh@piba.org.br To date our extended family remains in good health. WOL Seminary began a new school year with about 150 resident students in various degree programs. After a 10-day total lockdown on arrival, classes began in March. Dave is teaching: Song of Solomon; Christian Home; Homiletics; Genesis 1-3 and Proverbs in semester-long or modular courses, as well as Biblical Theology of the Family. Plans are scheduled to visit our supporting churches and individuals in May/June/July.
MORGAN, DORINA dorinamorgan@hotmail.com As always, thank you for your faithful prayers and support! Over the last 6 months, I was attempting to get my religious visa but was unable to and must begin the process all over again. Please pray for this step so that I can stay in the country without having to be on a tourist visa. We are hoping to begin our ministry training center classes in April. Please continue to pray for this ministry and for wisdom as we make decisions.
MOURA, AIRTON AND VERA WOL – Brazil pr.airton@uol.com.br We praise God! Our ministries continue in spite of the pandemic of epic proportions nationwide. However, Word of Life has reached a serious crisis point. Our Brazilian colleagues have taken significant pay cuts. Most support staff have been let go with our missionaries, professors and their wives picking up the maintenance work of our facilities. Ministry vehicles have been sold and all non critical areas stopped. We realize that you, our friends, need to know of the situation. The LORD may want some of you to stand in the gap with us until normal ministries can resume.” Please pray for God’s provisions. We praise him for fully supplying our needs but we ask you to pray for protection and that we may encourage our students and dear brothers and sisters from our church who are suffering. ORTIZ, GABRIELA WOL Guatemala ortizgaby90@gmail.com A small change in my life as in April I will be moving to a small apartment near the office of WOL. Please pray for my monthly support since this change will increase my responsibilities. God bless you. PALACIOS, GISELLE WOL Guatemala giigiipal@gmail.com Beloved Church, it is a pleasure to be able to greet you through this letter. Thank you for praying along with me for the ministry. Pray especially for a girl named Eunice, a Bible club leader experiencing discouragement. Thank you for always being aware of my ministry and for supporting me in prayer.
PALMA, MARLON WOL, Guatemala marlonpalma21@gmail.com Pray for my dad, Gilmar, who has diabetes and has pain in his knees. Also pray for this year’s ministry as I continue discipleship with the leaders through Zoom. I thank God for his protection over me and my family during coronavirus.
PATT, FARELLY AND MARTA WOL Belize farellypatt@hotmail.com Marta and I as newlyweds are seeing how God has been working through us. We have started training the leaders of the Olympians program’s “Children ministry” and have visited with children in the program one of which accepted Christ. Pray for this month’s four evangelist programs for children in Belmopan, San Lazaro, Orange Walk and also Santa Clara. Pray that many kids can receive Jesus as their personal Savior.
PATTERSON, LOWELL AND DIXIE ABBA lowellthomas@comcast.net 1. Pray for 3 young women we are helping with baby items. 2. Pray for God's restraining hand under this federal administration. 3. Praise that our volunteers have been healthy during this past year.
RAMIREZ, NAEL WOL Belize naelwolbz@gmail.com We were invited by the Evangelical Mennonite Missionary Church, which reaches traditional Mennonite communities in Belize with the Gospel, to be their guest speakers for their Youth Leaders Retreat. We presented leadership workshops and our own ministry and resources. We also discussed translating our resources from English to Low German! It is indeed a very exciting opportunity! Thanks so much for your support!"
RIGSTAD, DENNY AND DOTTY ISI – Austin, TX dennis@rigstad.net Due to Covid our ministry has shifted to making Zoom calls to China. Those Chinese Christians previously in Austin are gathering a group of their friends, saved and unsaved, to practice improving their English. From there the conversation grows into sharing the gospel. Pray that I would have wisdom in guiding these conversations.
RUST, JON ABWE – Portugal jonrust@abwe.cc Wow - I actually made it back! I'm so grateful for many who have walked with me in prayer during these past months - Thank-you seems inadequate!! During my flight home, I could feel God leading me through Covid infested territory. Portugal is still in lock-down mode through Easter, so the ABWE Portugal team surprised me at the airport with a Zoom Welcome .Mollie videoed my arrival, chatted with all and then Kyle prayed for me - very special!
SAGASTUME, BETSI WOL Guatemala betsesag22@gmail.com Hello and greetings to you again. Thank you for your support for my work on the Word of Life Guatemala team. Pray that I make wise decisions for the Lord as I serve Him and thank you for supporting me in prayer and my finances. God bless you!
SALAZAR, HECTOR AND ROSMERY WOL – Guatemala hectoryrosmery@hotmail.com Dear FCC brethren, our heavenly father is using us for his glory in this 2021. Pray that God directs our hearts and minds and as Rosmery and I work to help a couple’s marriage to be restored. Praise! Our little 11 month old 'Hemery' is growing well and does not look premature anymore. God bless you all.
SANTA FE, JUAN AND MELISSA – Colombia msantafe@caminoglobal.org Thank you so much for your faithful giving and praying. We are so excited about the progress in our church planting. There are about 25 people that are the base of our church plant that are presently meeting in another church building. Juan and the national pastor will be conducting services on Sundays at 2:00. Also we will be launching five new life groups the month of April. We praise the Lord for such quick and incredible progress.
SOSA, GERSON AND BLANCA WOL Belize gerson_sosabz@outlook.com We praise God for providing us a beautiful home after Blanca and I got married in December 2020. Thank you for helping us obtain most of our home appliances and materials. During the past weeks, we have been working on reopening our local church youth group, starting new discipleships, and along with Word of Life Belize missionaries hosting breakfast prayer meetings with Pastors and male leaders.
TULEY, PASCAL Fellowship of Christian Athletes pascaltuley@gmail.com Hello Church family! We are in the process of preparing to move on June 1st! Please be praying for our transition across the states from Arizona to New Jersey!
VELASQUEZ, CANDY WOL – Belize velasquezk277@gmail.com
WEAVER, COURTNEY Accounting Beyond Borders cweaver@abbministries.com Thank you all for your dedicated prayer and support! In the last two months, our team has added another full-time missionary accountant and a part-time missionary accounting intern. Both are using their gifts to support our partner ministries. This growth in our team has allowed us to begin serving 4 new ministries in 2021 in the United States, Guatemala, and Chile. Pray that we serve additional ministries and faithfully walking in the mission God has laid before us.