God is Writing New Faith Stories and You Can Take Part
November 5, 2021 9:23 AM
Nothing is more exciting than hearing faith stories! I heard an enthralling story from a lady in our church, as we served together in a funeral this week. Years ago, at Rutgers law school, God placed this young Jewish law student with a roommate who was born again. Gently, the Christian asked questions about the Jewish faith in light of Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah. The young Jewish woman (head of the Student Jewish club on campus) labored with the answers, and how they seemed to point to Jesus. Finally, over break she spent time at the friend’s home in Indiana. There, she was further confronted with a family life that showed the fruit of Jesus in their lives. She quietly, in solitude, yielded to the salvation and lordship of Jesus Christ in her life. Isabelle Balboa has now been an agent for Christ in numerous missions trips with FCC, serves on our missions team, and holds a prominent position in the judicial community of Southern New Jersey, serving Jesus, the Messiah.
Jack Eisenbaugh told me yesterday, that he was interviewed Wednesday night by a radio program broadcasting over 26 states. They wanted to hear his story of coming to Jesus. Both Jack and Charissa Eisenbaugh have had their stories told on various radio programs like Unshackled (Moody Radio), and Key Love. They are the leaders of our Celebrate Recovery ministry. You can hear their stories on our church website. Just press “SEARCH” and type in “Charissa Eisenbaugh”. Both stories come up. Or just click here for the direct links.
Stories are powerful, especially when they are the fruit of the GREAT STORY. The story of hope, new life, forgiveness, and freedom. God’s story…... the Gospel.
In 29 days we will have an incredible chance to tell that story through the 2021 Mount Laurel Living Nativity. We have seen many people yield their lives to Jesus because of the Nativity’s impact. Business men, international students, neighbors, coworkers, family members have all prayed to receive Christ during the journey, as the Gospel became real to them as it was visualized. Some came on their own, many came as guests of believers (both from FCC and others in our community who use the Nativity as a chance to share the gospel). We have had a whole convent of nuns come, deaf communities, Muslims, Jews, atheists, agnostics, multiple International student ministries from Universities in Philadelphia, township leaders, etc, etc.
There is a deep hunger for the sacred in our secular world. Even non-believers are looking for something that puts the “HOLY back in the HOLI DAY”.
God is at work in our turbulent world. Right here. Right now. He is still the King of Glory, the Lord of Heaven and Earth. God is providing for us an opportunity as a church family to proclaim Who He is and Why He came to this broken world 2000 years ago. God is writing new stories of faith. Some, God willing will written through the Living Nativity. Please consider joining us in the Nativity outreach this December:
· Pray – for the weather to be free of rain. For many people to come with hearts prepared by the Holy Spirit to hear truth. For our church body to step up BIG and fill the serving needs
· Serve – we are asking the 8 community groups of young married/families to each take a scene one of the nights as cast members. I encourage every community group to consider serving together in this way. Plan on your family serving in a scene, or your high-schoolers as guides, or you serving in the kitchen, or hostessing in the lobby, or helping to park cars, or driving golf carts for handicapped guests, or in the costume rooms, or greeting guests in the gym during hot cocoa and cookie time. Serve with your friends. Or serve and make more friends! We need a staff of 250 - 300 people each night. Can we count on you?
You can sign up at https://www.fellowshipsj.org/events/#registrations
· Invite your friends. The people in your office, the parents of your kids’ soccer team, your neighbors, and then vendors serving your business may be open to an activity like the Nativity for their family. Many people miss the “Holy” from the holiday. Invite them! Pick up some business cards or posters to hand out or hang up, and help spread the word.
· Make cookies! We serve cookies and hot chocolate to our guests each night. 1000s of cookies are needed. Start baking now and store them in the freezer. We will need them in December! Sign up to bring cookies here.
Pastor Mark