Staff Book Recommendations - Vol. 1

June 27, 2022 12:44 PM

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

Recommended by Mark Willey

Published in the 1650s, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment has been read and honored in each generation since. Jeremiah Burroughs was a Puritan. He was born in 1600 He died a contended 46 year old, in 1646. This is probably the most thorough book ever written on the subject of "contentment" from a Christian perspective. He has a ton of nuggets describing the benefits of Contentment, the evils of a discontented, murmuring heart, and ways to attain contentment. The book is chock full of principles. Marian and I are sharing one nugget a day to reflect on separately and, then, together.


Live No Lies

Recommended by Ryan Anderson

WARNING: this book is filled with some glorious truths. Comer has been one of my favorite writers these past few years. His most recent book, Live No Lies, not only contains insightful thoughts and wisdom, but conversationally invited me to think deeply about my own life. In this 3-part book, Comer will acquaint you with the 3 different enemies we must recognize in our daily lives (the devil, the flesh, and the world), and he'll unveil practical and grace-filled strategies for you to resist these enemies in your everyday life. In a tumultuous world, I am truly grateful for Comer's personal, Biblical, and Spiritually-formative thoughts.