Staff Reading Recommendations - Vol. 4

October 13, 2021 11:16 AM

Jared Hacking recommends You and Me Forever by Francis and Lisa Chan.

"This book was filled with challenging truths about marriage in the light of eternity. I went in expecting practical advice on marriage and I left with biblical truths on preparing my wife and I for the day we meet God. One main idea that stood out to me is that life is not about having a happy life and marriage, life is about following the commands of Jesus in making disciples and living wholeheartedly for him."

Joe Parker has the book recommendation for you! One of his favorites is “Bonhoeffer” by Eric Metaxas. Here is what Joe has to say about it!

“Bonhoeffer” is an amazing biography written about an amazing man. This book is the rivating story of a German pastor (Dietric Bonhoeffer) during the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany. If you are looking for a fascinating story of an amazing man of God and his incredible sacrifices to fight for those who could not fight for themselves, this is the story for you.”

“Actions must follow what one believed, else one could not claim to believe it.” ― Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy