God's Prior Work
July 31, 2022
Sermon Transcript:
Morning, invite you to take your Bibles to the book of Acts chapter nine, verse 32 to 43, as we're gonna be looking at this morning, acts chapter nine, verse 32 to 43. Uh, great to be back. I am pastor mark. Um, if you've forgotten, um, and we were, we spent the last two weeks in Michigan, Northern Michigan, which is Mar where Marion is from.
It is lake territory, real lake. First time Marion came out here, you can see 20 feet down in their water. The first time I brought her out here, we went canoeing and she thought, uh, she said, is the water contaminated? I said, no, babe, it's Cedar water. You know, it's actually clear. I, I, at least I hope it's clear.
It's the roots of the Cedar trees and everything else, but they have real water up there. I mean, it's really clear, but we spent two weeks and we had taken our jet ski out. Our jet ski goes 70 miles an hour. So we had a lot of fun wowing, the grandkids, nephews, and nieces. I didn't have to tube at all. So it was safe.
Um, so it was great. We had a great time. I I'm really excited about what we saw earlier in the service. This focus on service serving. Uh, the flyer you got this morning tells you a little bit more about it. It's a whole month long focus. Really appreciate the work of Lisa Myers. Uh, pastor Tim Ben painter in putting the videos together.
This was the first of a number of videos we'll be seeing in our service relating to serving. And we are really believing God, uh, for an exciting fall and church year this year, uh, we are looking to expand some things. One of those is children's ministry to be not only during the nine o'clock service, but, uh, during the 10 30 service, lots of other opportunities to serve.
Uh, I hope you'll take it to heart and possibly come to that. Meet and greet on September 21st, where they're gonna have ministry leaders, just sharing ways you can get more involved in the ministry here. We're returning this morning to the book of acts, uh, really appreciate the ministry of pastor Joe Josiah and pastor Ben the last two weeks as they continued our series in the spirit at work to the ends of the earth, which is our theme for the book of acts.
And this morning we're gonna be looking at verses 32 to 43. Many of you are Lord of the rings fans as am I, uh, you know, Jr. To keen. You may not know that Jr. R Tolkin was a veteran of world war I, and he was a British soldier in the trenches during world war I, and as he spent his time there in the gruesome and grunt.
Involvement of those trenches. He gained a tremendous respect for the everyday soldier, the unknown, faithful, courageous soldiers that carried out their individual acts of faithful duty. When the war was won, he felt strongly that the heroes of the war were those unsung, unknown undecorated men that really served in those trenches and really were the re means of the victory of world war I, as a result.
Enlisted men. Those, uh, unknown servicemen became the model for his heroes in the Lord of the ring's trilogy. It's interesting in the book, in the end of the Lord of the rings in the last book, the return of the king, the people that are most decorated are not the Kings and the Lords and the magicians.
They're the little guys, the hobbits before whom if you remember one of the most meaningful scenes at the end of the book or the end of the movie, if you've seen it is actually the, the, the king has everyone bow before these four little hobbits, Sam and FTO and Maryam Pippin, honoring them for their service.
And the way that they had influenced the war, which had been successful. Tol keen said it this way. And Sam Gaji was his least decorated, um, of the hobbits, the, the, the smallest, the least influential in terms of wealth and power and prestige. But he said this, my Sam GA G is indeed a reflection of the English soldier of the privates and servicemen.
I knew in the 1914 war, the hobbits were made small to show in creatures of very small physical power, the amazing and unexpected heroism of ordinary men in a pinch. These minor characters influence the world of the great Lords and warriors and magicians of tol King's middle earth. We are looking in this series right now in acts chapter eight.
To 12, those chapters. It is a second thrust of the spirit as he is taking the message of the gospel through the world. In chapters, one through seven, the power of the spirit has been manifested in the city of Jerusalem, but in acts chapter eight through 12, God is taking the gospel forth beyond the borders of the city, to the surrounding areas of Judea, the province around Jeru some Samaria, and he is doing it by Hoz.
He is doing it by people that are not Kings or priests or generals or politicians or business leaders, just ordinary smaller folk. And as Ben mentioned last Sunday, these five chapters enacts eight through 12, actually tell the story of three individuals and we can bring up that visual. Phillip Saul, who later became Paul and Peter, you might think, well, they seem like pretty prominent guys.
That's because we know them because of their faith in Jesus, but these weren't Kings or priests or generals or politicians or business magnets. These were individual guys. Now, Phillip interestingly probably was the most likely to be a prominent citizens. The father of a large family, a homeowner respectable, admired as a good man in the community, obviously by the, the recognition he has given to, uh, by the people, this SA Paul, a cold-hearted ambitious fanatical scholar who became the Hitman for the religious leaders in their attempt to stamp out the cancer and influence of Jesus followers in and around Jerusalem.
He was not a particularly likable person. He was a striver, uptight, aggressive, but as Joe and, and Ben shared with us in acts chapter nine in the verses up to this passage this morning, he was converted to Jesus Christ and embraced him as the Messiah and in, so doing the great challenger of the church became one of its great champions.
The third guy is a tempestuous extrovert whose words often burst out of the blocks. Well in advance of his thinking and who was intimidated regularly by other people's opinions. This morning, Dr. Luke takes us to the third guy, Peter, as we see, as Ben mentioned last week, that the, what we're seeing in, in, in acts chapter eight through 12 is, is like a, like, like a good series where you watch and, and you have all these different storylines going on.
And he jumps from one storyline of Philip and, and then he pulls in Peter and, and, and then he pulls back and he talks about Paul and, and then he jumps back and he talks about Peter and all this storyline is going on. Well, we're jumping to Peter now who he has, he has been silent about for a while. And in this passage, we are actually seeing the preview to what is gonna happen in acts chapter 10 and 11.
And I want to give you this preview, I'm preaching it next Sunday. And, and I'm excited about it because acts chapter 10 and 11 presents to us. One of the most momentous events in the book of acts. But more than that in the entire scripture, it is the UN it is the changing where God is removing the barrier between Jews and the nations.
People no longer need to become Jews to become a part of God's people. Jesus Christ, Jesus, the Christ Jesus. The Messiah is available as a savior in king for everyone because of what happens in acts chapter 10. Now just, just wedding your whistle with this. What happens in acts chapter 10 has incredible impact in your life.
As a matter of fact, if acts chapter 10 and 11 don't happen, you're not attending a church today to learn about Jesus. You're attending a Jewish synagogue that happens to believe Jesus is the Messiah. You would have to become a Jewish convert to accept Jesus as your Messiah and savior. If acts 10 and 11 didn't happen.
You're not reading from a new Testament book because there aren't new Testament books, because just about all of them were written to Gentiles and on a personal level, you're not sitting out there listening to a pastor. You're listening to rabbi. Mark acts 10 is big it's momentous. It enables us to be embraced into the people of God.
We're the Goum, which means the nations. We're the guys that in past generations, Israel was called to eradicate. . But now we've been invited in because of the experience that is declared by God, through a Roman soldier in his home. But prior to that, God has acts chapter nine with Peter. Peter's gonna be the guy that's the central figure in, in, in, in championing.
What happens in acts chapter 10 to the entire church. But today we're looking at the passage, that's the preview of that. And it is a passage that tells us how God prepared the way for this big event in acts 10. I think it's a passage that actually is incredibly practical for us because a lot of us are waiting for the big things to happen.
A lot of us are, are waiting for God to move for God, to answer for God, to, to move in the lives of loved ones. We have to do the big movement. , but there are practical lessons here in the way God is at work prior to, so in the prior to here's what we read in acts chapter nine, verse 31 and following. So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the holy spirit, it multiplied now, as Peter went here and there among them all, he came down also to the saints who lived at Lida.
There found a man named anus bedridden for eight years, who was paralyzed. And Peter said to him, Manus, Jesus Christ heals, you rise and make your bed. And immediately he rose. And all the residents of Lida and Sharon saw him and they turned to the Lord. Now there was in Joppa, disciple named Tabitha, which translated means docus.
She was full of good works and acts of charity. In those days, she became ill and died. And when they had washed her, they later in the upper room, since Lida was near Joppa, the disciples hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, urging him, please come down to us without delay. So Peter Rose and went with him.
And when he arrived, they took him to the upper room. All the widows stood beside him, weeping and showing tunics and other garments that docus made while she was with him. But Peter put them all outside and knelt down and prayed and turning to the body. He said, Tabitha arise. And she opened her eyes. And when she saw Peter, she sat up and he gave her his hand and raised her up.
Then calling the saints and widows. He presented her alive and it became known throughout all JOP and many believed in the Lord. And he stayed in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a. Lord, we come to you this morning and God, I pray as we, we think about this prior to passage and why you've included it and why you had these things happen in preparation for what is going to happen in acts 10 and 11.
God, I pray. You'd speak practically application into our lives this morning in Jesus name. Amen. What we find in acts chapter nine, verse 32 to 43 is the work that God did in the moment in the circumstances. And secondly, the work that God did in the messenger, God at work in the moment, God at work in the moment first is seen in the big stuff, acts chapter nine, verse 31 tells us that.
So the church throughout. All Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up and walking in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the holy spirit. It multiplied. This is what's going on. Saul has become a believer is Peter has continued to do his thing. Philips doing his, the other apostles are doing their ministry, lots going on.
And it culminates in this amazing statement. The church is expanding, but it's an interesting thing in this verse in verse 31, the term, the church is different from its other usages in the, in the, uh, book of acts and much of the new Testament here it is used in the singular. It is not churches. It is in the singular and it is not talking about one church in a town.
It's talking about the church in the big church. The whole church. And he's saying the whole people of God, the church as one is expanding in Judea and Samaria and Galilee. And if we can bring up this map, you just have a simple picture. The church has expanded from Jerusalem there in the middle, throughout the area of Judea.
It's spread up into Samaria and then up in the top and it would continue up farther the area of Galilee. And he's saying the church, the one people God's kingdom in Christ is expanding, and God has been working this and Judea and Galilee, the Southern and Northern of these three provinces were all Jewish, but the middle one Samaria has been quasi Jewish.
If you will. I mentioned that in acts chapter eight, these were people, the Samaritans who were sort of hybrids, they had built into their faith. Aspects of Judaism. They viewed themselves as part it, they were circumcised. They, they participated in, in some of the practices of, of the Jewish faith. They believed in the Torah, the first five books of the law, it was their guidance for faith and practice.
And they were looked at as a sect of Judaism, often looked down by the purebred Jews of Jeru. but Peter and John had gone up to Samaria in acts chapter eight, and Peter had seen for himself, this is real. And he saw what I called a, a Samaritan Pentecost where the spirit came upon the people and they spoke in the sign gifts and manifested the same work that had happened at the day of Pentecost and Peter, his, his, his perspective has grown he's thought, wow, the gospel of Jesus, isn't just the kingdom of Christ.
Isn't just for what we understand is used. It's even for the hybrids, the Samaritan God has been working, God has been expanding the church. He's doing this. He is also expanding UN one, the understanding of the Jews in terms of what he is going to do in acts chapter 10. He's been doing things in a big picture way, but he also is doing it in the details.
If you look at that visual again, if we can just hold that there, bring that back for a second. You'll know the white, the white path. First, it goes up vertically and to Samaria the city of Samaria and then comes back down. That was Peter. Peter went up there and Samaria, he saw what was going on with the hybrid Jews that they had truly embraced the gospel.
He's come back to Jerusalem. Now he's on another trip and this is what we're reading about. It's that trip that is going westward towards the great sea. The Mediterranean sea Lida is the first city. We'll see. The second is Joppa, but if you look at that map and you follow your way up along the coastline, you see a little town called Caesarea.
That's where this Roman Centurian is, is living a guy over a bunch of Roman Legionnaires, Cornelius that we're gonna read about in acts chapter 10, and God is leading him first allali then to Joppa. And then the next place is gonna be Caesarea. God is working in all of this. God is motivating, moving things, shaping things all towards what is going to transpire in acts chapter 10 and 11 as I reflected on that.
And, and one of the questions that commentators have is why did Luke include at the end of chapter nine, these two healing events. I mean, Peter's been healing people he's been doing all this. Why? Why not just go right to the, the, the, the home run, you know, the Cornelius story. Why does he include, he is trying to say, God is at work.
He is preparing the way he's doing it. Circumstantially. He is also going to be doing it within Peter himself. God is moving in all the details of chapter nine. Just as much as God is going to be moving in. Acts chapter 10, I read a, an account recently by Tim Keller that he, he made a number of years ago where he was highlighting what, what is called the Providence of God.
The fact that God is at work in all things to accomplish his purposes and the word Providence is the word provide to provide good things. I wanna just read what he shared. He said God's plan includes little things. It has to, most of us don't think of this in this way. Everything it says in proverb 16, the lot is cast in the lap, but the disposal is of the Lord's.
That means even when you flip a coin, if it comes down heads or it comes down tails, it was part of his plan. Nothing is left out of his plan. Okay. That's the first thing I wanna stress. Let me push it a little bit. People say, come on. Nothing. Are you telling me that tie Tim Keller is wearing today was part of God's plan for all eternity.
Are you trying to tell me the shoes I decided to wear today were part of God's plan, little things like that. Well, there are only little things to you and me because we are so unwise, there are no little things in 1912, somebody tried to shoot Teddy Roosevelt and they did. They shot him in the chest. Do you know why he lived?
Because he happened to have his glasses case on this side. Instead of on this side, your marriage is your careers. What school you go to very often are based on so-called little things. Let me give you a quick example. The reason I'm a Presbyterian minister was because of a particular faculty member that came to my seminary.
My last. And pushed me over the edge. When it came to my theological understanding, I decided, I think I need to be a Presbyterian. That's the reason I'm here today. Pastoring a Presbyterian church. Why did that faculty member come? The only reason he came that year was he was British and he was having a lot of trouble getting a passport to come and teach at my seminary in Massachusetts.
But somebody pulled strings for him from real high up one day, somebody came out looking for him, calling his name out. Somebody came out when he was standing in this long line and called him in and said, you're going to be in America within a week. We got word from real high up. Well, do you know who that was?
It was a guy named Mike Ford. Mike Ford was the son of the president, the United States at the time Mike Ford was the son of Gerald Ford. Mike Ford was a student at Gordon Conwell theological seminary, where I was. He found a way to get this particular faculty member to Gordon Conwell because his father was the president.
Do you know why his father was the president because of the Watergate scandal? Nixon had resigned and Gerald Ford was the president. That's the reason Mike Ford had the clout to get this guy over there. That's the reason why he was there. That's the reason I became a Presbyterian. That's the reason I'm talking to you right now.
Why did Nixon fall? Because some stupid Watergate burglar left the door open one night and some guard, some guard noticed the door was open. Now, what if that guard hadn't gone by that day? Maybe he went by that day because that morning you didn't eat breakfast and he got in a little bit early. Do you see, I wouldn't be here.
If that guard hadn't seen that door. That's the way everything in your life is God is at work in the details. God is working his plan. You may say, I, I can't begin to understand. Nope. I can't put all this together, mark. Nope, you can't. You're not asked to, you're asked to just say, wow, he's big. And here I am in acts nine and, and this is cool.
And there's some cool things Peter's gonna do, but whoa, it's the acts 10 things. I wanna be a part. It's the acts 10. I want God to do the acts. 10 big stuff. Change my family. Work in my, in my work, answer my concerns. Show me the way do the movement be gods add work all the time.
God is a work in the details in Tim Keller's life in Peter's life, in your life. Right now, God is orchestrating circumstances in your life for what he plans to do later, acts 10 is momentous, but God's just as big in acts chapter nine, and God is also at work in his messenger. God is authenticating his messenger.
We see what God was doing through Peter. It's important to remember the unique role of the apostles. I've said this before in the book of acts, it often talks about the signs of the apostles healings, exorcism passing on the gift of, of, of tongues and others to authenticate their position as messengers of a new era in God's dealing with humans, I've mentioned to you that, that there are three errors of history where God did spectacular signs in order to inaugurate a new messaging.
It was the time of Moses and, and there you have the plagues of Egypt and all that God did. And the man in the wilderness and the red sea crossing and all that stuff. And, and in acts chapter seven, Steven talks about the signs of Moses, the prophet, the only, the next, that was a period of miraculous happenings, authenticating the messenger.
We fast forward a number of centuries to a time of Elijah and Elijah. And there were signs of miraculous. If you think historically through the Bible, you'll find there were all kinds of miracles in Moses day, and then there's not much. And then you come to Elijah and Elijah, and there's all this stuff going on.
Again, calling fired down from Mount Carmel, throwing an ax head that's floating in, in the wa in all kinds of other things he's doing. And again, there are signs as they were beginning the prophetic message for Israel, and then you fast forward centuries again, to the time of Jesus and the apostles. And again, there are these spectacular demonstrations that just authenticate the messengers.
Luke is highlighting some of the authenticating activities that Peter is doing here. And it's almost as if he wants say, look, I'm gonna tell you in acts chapter 10, about what Peter saw, remember who Peter was. Remember who, who, who God made him. He is authenticated by very unique miracles. One of those is found here in verses 2032 to 34 35.
And what he happens when he comes to this little town, Lida is he comes to a man that is paralyzed. This man is, um, it says in verse 33 bedridden for eight years, who is paralyzed. Now, there are four different types, four different, uh, categories of paralysis that, that most medical people identify with.
One is mono plegia, which is a type of paralysis that impacts one limb such as an armor leg. There's he, he hemiplegia is a paralysis that embarks one impacts one side of your body. Um, least parts of that one side. there is what we call paraplegia is a paralysis that affects all part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
Often the result of a, uh, a significant spinal cord injury. And then of course the most severe quadriplegia is a paralysis of oral. All four Quadra is four, all four of our limbs, both arms, both legs. Basically the entire body is paralyzed. I don't know which of these this guy had, but I know it's either number three or four.
He is either a paraplegic or a quadriplegic. He is utterly bedridden for eight years, undoubtedly, because he's a grown man. This happened well into his life. He had a severe injury, probably a spinal cord injury. Everybody in the town knows about this. It's a little town lit is not a big place. Everybody knows about this guy.
They know that this guy is stuck in bed, unable to get out. Every day for eight years, they've had to roll him to protect him from getting bed sores. They've had to wipe him and wash him and care for him because he can't do that for himself. He's lived in the, in the, in the bondage of a body that is trapped there.
And then in one of the most beautiful pictures that I think in the book of acts, Peter says to him, rise up and make your bed. I just thought, I love that phrase. This is a guy that can't move for eight years and the Lord says, man, rise up. And the first thing do turn around. You make your own bed today.
You do your own life today. You're not dependent on anybody today. Can you imagine what this moment was for this man? And the word spreads and people are overwhelmed with the, the miraculous power that it, that has manifested in all the residents of Lida and Sharon som. And they turned to the Lord. It authenticated Peter, and it authenticated him primarily because it gave him a miracle that paralleled that was a sign in the same way, a similar miracle by Jesus in John chapter five, verse eight, where he says to there a man in paralysis, he says, rise, take up your bed and walk.
He also authenticated him here in verse 35 to 42 here. It's a Christian woman named Tabitha. This is the next town over. It's on the seaside. Now just south of Caesarea. It's where they hear about him up. Up in Caesarea and here again, Peter is, is authenticated as a messenger of God in a most amazing way.
He or he actually has the capacity. He does this with one person. Paul will later do this with one person. He actually has the power to raise somebody back from the dead. It's a Christian woman named Tabitha. It's a striking passage that also has obvious overtones and reminisces of what took place by Elijah and Elijah.
Listen to this account. It says this in these verses about Peter, when he raises Tabitha or dark DOCA up says, um, but Peter in verse 40, put them all outside in the bedroom and Nel down and prayed and turned into the body, said Tabitha rise. And she opened her eyes. And when she saw Peter, she sat up in second Kings four verse 2030, verse 32.
And following this happened with Elijah. Elijah came into the house, he saw the child lying dead in his bed. So he went in, shut the door behind him, the two of them and prayed to the Lord. And the boy was raised from the dead. It happened with Elijah in one Kings chapter 17, verse 17. And he said to her, give me your son.
And he took him from her arms and carried him up into the upper chamber where lodge and laid him on his own bed, prayed over him. And the boy was raised. Luke is intentionally trying to say. God is authenticating Peter to be a messenger of the message that he's gonna be given in acts 10, 10, 11 with these spectacular acts, just like he did with Jesus, just like he did with Elijah and Elijah.
God also is adjusting his messenger. Look at verse 43, just an interesting side note that Luke sort of throws in there and Peter is staying in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a Tanner, a Tanner was a guy. Um, tans hides basically takes dead animals, cleans out, take cuts off the fur. The skin cleans the flash off it and basically tans it, you know, get the hide, ready to be put into clothes.
It actually was a, a profession that one often was declared unclean in the Jewish faith because you did it because you weren't supposed to be around dead bodies. Yet Simon is in this guy's house. And again, I just feel like God is progressively working in the heart of Simon. First. He sends him to Samaria and says, you know, the Jews that you think are hybrids and our outsiders, they're getting the gospel they're being brought in.
Now I'm gonna put you in the house of a guy that, that, that some of those historically oral tradition adherence think is is, is unclean. We're gonna put you there again, all of that is preparing Peter for what's coming in, acts chapter 10 in 11, but God is adjusting his messenger. The other thing I see in this passage is God is working circumstantially, but God is also working in his man in his messenger.
Whatever's going on in your life right now. whatever's not going on that you want to be going on. God has ordained that that would be a part of deepening your life message for him. John Wesley was addressed by a bunch of students once. How can we, how can we really be? You have the influence in the gospel that you have.
And, and Wesley just said to them, deepen your life message. God will broaden your ministry. God is deepening. Peter's life message. He's growing him. Are you letting him do that with you? Are you in circumstances saying, Lord, this isn't necessarily how I'd want, or I just feel like I'm sort of on the, on the outside looking in or nothing exciting is going on in my Christian life.
I, I wanna be making a difference and the Lord says, wait, are you embracing the moment? So what are our takeaways from this text? This too? I think there's something we need to remember. And there's something we need to do. We need to remember God was at work in all these circumstances. God is at work. You may find yourself today in the prelude.
It feels like the prelude of acts nine. There's so much you long to see God do. And so many questions. You need him to answer those unresolved issues. Unanswered prayers, unchanged, loved ones, unclear paths ahead. It seems God is not at work. At least not in the way that you hope God is at work. God is moving.
Remember God does not waste experiences. What is going on in your life right now is what you would pray for. If you knew everything that God does, we need to remember. And secondly, we need to embrace. We need to embrace the moment. This I'm closing. There was a 28 year old young man, along with four other pilots who had left Wheaton.
Uh, they were hot for Christ. They went down with their young families to minister in Ecuador, south America. And one of them had written a statement that became a famous phrase afterwards. It was this statement said by Jim Elliot, wherever you are be all there. He didn't know that a few months later, what God was going to do was to allow he and the other four missionary pilots to fly in and, and, and bring their, their plane down, uh, their sea plane down on, on a sandbar, on a river in the middle of Ecuador.
And the minute and the, and, and the, the tribe of people that they were trying to reach with the gospel were going to brutally slay, all five of them. He didn't know that the result of that would be that their story would be the cover story for life magazine would literally go around the world. He didn't know that his death and the death of his other four friends would be the catalyst for the greatest migration to world missions among adults that happened in a century.
He wouldn't know that, but he did know this, that wherever he was in, whatever he was doing, he wanted to be wherever he was all there. Are we all there? Are we all there today? Are we saying, God, alls I see is what you're not doing. Alls I see is what you're not answering. All I see is where you're not. He says I'm here.
Remember I'm always at work. Remember to embrace this moment and say, God, right here in acts chapter nine, I really wanna be in an acts 10 or acts two with Pentecost. No, he says right here, are you all there? Are you all in? Because just like Tim Keller reminds us and Dr. Luke reminds us, God is working. God is working.
God is working. Are we looking, are we embracing? Are we available for all that he has right now? Lord, we look to you today.
You're a big God, you rule the cosmos, and yet you arrange the little circumstances of our lives. We have no idea how you do it,
but Lord, we wanna live our lives as if there really is a big God that is orchestrating our circumstances. We wanna live with that faith. We want to be all there. So Lord, for the many, maybe that feel discouraged and feel their languaging and their Christian journey. God sound the siren to call us back to wholeheartedness towards.
Stir our hearts say, God right here right now. I want to be your man. I want to be your woman. I want to be your young person.
I want to be all there in Jesus name. I pray. Amen. Now go in peace to love and serve and enjoy the Lord.
Morning, invite you to take your Bibles to the book of Acts chapter nine, verse 32 to 43, as we're gonna be looking at this morning, acts chapter nine, verse 32 to 43. Uh, great to be back. I am pastor mark. Um, if you've forgotten, um, and we were, we spent the last two weeks in Michigan, Northern Michigan, which is Mar where Marion is from.
It is lake territory, real lake. First time Marion came out here, you can see 20 feet down in their water. The first time I brought her out here, we went canoeing and she thought, uh, she said, is the water contaminated? I said, no, babe, it's Cedar water. You know, it's actually clear. I, I, at least I hope it's clear.
It's the roots of the Cedar trees and everything else, but they have real water up there. I mean, it's really clear, but we spent two weeks and we had taken our jet ski out. Our jet ski goes 70 miles an hour. So we had a lot of fun wowing, the grandkids, nephews, and nieces. I didn't have to tube at all. So it was safe.
Um, so it was great. We had a great time. I I'm really excited about what we saw earlier in the service. This focus on service serving. Uh, the flyer you got this morning tells you a little bit more about it. It's a whole month long focus. Really appreciate the work of Lisa Myers. Uh, pastor Tim Ben painter in putting the videos together.
This was the first of a number of videos we'll be seeing in our service relating to serving. And we are really believing God, uh, for an exciting fall and church year this year, uh, we are looking to expand some things. One of those is children's ministry to be not only during the nine o'clock service, but, uh, during the 10 30 service, lots of other opportunities to serve.
Uh, I hope you'll take it to heart and possibly come to that. Meet and greet on September 21st, where they're gonna have ministry leaders, just sharing ways you can get more involved in the ministry here. We're returning this morning to the book of acts, uh, really appreciate the ministry of pastor Joe Josiah and pastor Ben the last two weeks as they continued our series in the spirit at work to the ends of the earth, which is our theme for the book of acts.
And this morning we're gonna be looking at verses 32 to 43. Many of you are Lord of the rings fans as am I, uh, you know, Jr. To keen. You may not know that Jr. R Tolkin was a veteran of world war I, and he was a British soldier in the trenches during world war I, and as he spent his time there in the gruesome and grunt.
Involvement of those trenches. He gained a tremendous respect for the everyday soldier, the unknown, faithful, courageous soldiers that carried out their individual acts of faithful duty. When the war was won, he felt strongly that the heroes of the war were those unsung, unknown undecorated men that really served in those trenches and really were the re means of the victory of world war I, as a result.
Enlisted men. Those, uh, unknown servicemen became the model for his heroes in the Lord of the ring's trilogy. It's interesting in the book, in the end of the Lord of the rings in the last book, the return of the king, the people that are most decorated are not the Kings and the Lords and the magicians.
They're the little guys, the hobbits before whom if you remember one of the most meaningful scenes at the end of the book or the end of the movie, if you've seen it is actually the, the, the king has everyone bow before these four little hobbits, Sam and FTO and Maryam Pippin, honoring them for their service.
And the way that they had influenced the war, which had been successful. Tol keen said it this way. And Sam Gaji was his least decorated, um, of the hobbits, the, the, the smallest, the least influential in terms of wealth and power and prestige. But he said this, my Sam GA G is indeed a reflection of the English soldier of the privates and servicemen.
I knew in the 1914 war, the hobbits were made small to show in creatures of very small physical power, the amazing and unexpected heroism of ordinary men in a pinch. These minor characters influence the world of the great Lords and warriors and magicians of tol King's middle earth. We are looking in this series right now in acts chapter eight.
To 12, those chapters. It is a second thrust of the spirit as he is taking the message of the gospel through the world. In chapters, one through seven, the power of the spirit has been manifested in the city of Jerusalem, but in acts chapter eight through 12, God is taking the gospel forth beyond the borders of the city, to the surrounding areas of Judea, the province around Jeru some Samaria, and he is doing it by Hoz.
He is doing it by people that are not Kings or priests or generals or politicians or business leaders, just ordinary smaller folk. And as Ben mentioned last Sunday, these five chapters enacts eight through 12, actually tell the story of three individuals and we can bring up that visual. Phillip Saul, who later became Paul and Peter, you might think, well, they seem like pretty prominent guys.
That's because we know them because of their faith in Jesus, but these weren't Kings or priests or generals or politicians or business magnets. These were individual guys. Now, Phillip interestingly probably was the most likely to be a prominent citizens. The father of a large family, a homeowner respectable, admired as a good man in the community, obviously by the, the recognition he has given to, uh, by the people, this SA Paul, a cold-hearted ambitious fanatical scholar who became the Hitman for the religious leaders in their attempt to stamp out the cancer and influence of Jesus followers in and around Jerusalem.
He was not a particularly likable person. He was a striver, uptight, aggressive, but as Joe and, and Ben shared with us in acts chapter nine in the verses up to this passage this morning, he was converted to Jesus Christ and embraced him as the Messiah and in, so doing the great challenger of the church became one of its great champions.
The third guy is a tempestuous extrovert whose words often burst out of the blocks. Well in advance of his thinking and who was intimidated regularly by other people's opinions. This morning, Dr. Luke takes us to the third guy, Peter, as we see, as Ben mentioned last week, that the, what we're seeing in, in, in acts chapter eight through 12 is, is like a, like, like a good series where you watch and, and you have all these different storylines going on.
And he jumps from one storyline of Philip and, and then he pulls in Peter and, and, and then he pulls back and he talks about Paul and, and then he jumps back and he talks about Peter and all this storyline is going on. Well, we're jumping to Peter now who he has, he has been silent about for a while. And in this passage, we are actually seeing the preview to what is gonna happen in acts chapter 10 and 11.
And I want to give you this preview, I'm preaching it next Sunday. And, and I'm excited about it because acts chapter 10 and 11 presents to us. One of the most momentous events in the book of acts. But more than that in the entire scripture, it is the UN it is the changing where God is removing the barrier between Jews and the nations.
People no longer need to become Jews to become a part of God's people. Jesus Christ, Jesus, the Christ Jesus. The Messiah is available as a savior in king for everyone because of what happens in acts chapter 10. Now just, just wedding your whistle with this. What happens in acts chapter 10 has incredible impact in your life.
As a matter of fact, if acts chapter 10 and 11 don't happen, you're not attending a church today to learn about Jesus. You're attending a Jewish synagogue that happens to believe Jesus is the Messiah. You would have to become a Jewish convert to accept Jesus as your Messiah and savior. If acts 10 and 11 didn't happen.
You're not reading from a new Testament book because there aren't new Testament books, because just about all of them were written to Gentiles and on a personal level, you're not sitting out there listening to a pastor. You're listening to rabbi. Mark acts 10 is big it's momentous. It enables us to be embraced into the people of God.
We're the Goum, which means the nations. We're the guys that in past generations, Israel was called to eradicate. . But now we've been invited in because of the experience that is declared by God, through a Roman soldier in his home. But prior to that, God has acts chapter nine with Peter. Peter's gonna be the guy that's the central figure in, in, in, in championing.
What happens in acts chapter 10 to the entire church. But today we're looking at the passage, that's the preview of that. And it is a passage that tells us how God prepared the way for this big event in acts 10. I think it's a passage that actually is incredibly practical for us because a lot of us are waiting for the big things to happen.
A lot of us are, are waiting for God to move for God, to answer for God, to, to move in the lives of loved ones. We have to do the big movement. , but there are practical lessons here in the way God is at work prior to, so in the prior to here's what we read in acts chapter nine, verse 31 and following. So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the holy spirit, it multiplied now, as Peter went here and there among them all, he came down also to the saints who lived at Lida.
There found a man named anus bedridden for eight years, who was paralyzed. And Peter said to him, Manus, Jesus Christ heals, you rise and make your bed. And immediately he rose. And all the residents of Lida and Sharon saw him and they turned to the Lord. Now there was in Joppa, disciple named Tabitha, which translated means docus.
She was full of good works and acts of charity. In those days, she became ill and died. And when they had washed her, they later in the upper room, since Lida was near Joppa, the disciples hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, urging him, please come down to us without delay. So Peter Rose and went with him.
And when he arrived, they took him to the upper room. All the widows stood beside him, weeping and showing tunics and other garments that docus made while she was with him. But Peter put them all outside and knelt down and prayed and turning to the body. He said, Tabitha arise. And she opened her eyes. And when she saw Peter, she sat up and he gave her his hand and raised her up.
Then calling the saints and widows. He presented her alive and it became known throughout all JOP and many believed in the Lord. And he stayed in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a. Lord, we come to you this morning and God, I pray as we, we think about this prior to passage and why you've included it and why you had these things happen in preparation for what is going to happen in acts 10 and 11.
God, I pray. You'd speak practically application into our lives this morning in Jesus name. Amen. What we find in acts chapter nine, verse 32 to 43 is the work that God did in the moment in the circumstances. And secondly, the work that God did in the messenger, God at work in the moment, God at work in the moment first is seen in the big stuff, acts chapter nine, verse 31 tells us that.
So the church throughout. All Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up and walking in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the holy spirit. It multiplied. This is what's going on. Saul has become a believer is Peter has continued to do his thing. Philips doing his, the other apostles are doing their ministry, lots going on.
And it culminates in this amazing statement. The church is expanding, but it's an interesting thing in this verse in verse 31, the term, the church is different from its other usages in the, in the, uh, book of acts and much of the new Testament here it is used in the singular. It is not churches. It is in the singular and it is not talking about one church in a town.
It's talking about the church in the big church. The whole church. And he's saying the whole people of God, the church as one is expanding in Judea and Samaria and Galilee. And if we can bring up this map, you just have a simple picture. The church has expanded from Jerusalem there in the middle, throughout the area of Judea.
It's spread up into Samaria and then up in the top and it would continue up farther the area of Galilee. And he's saying the church, the one people God's kingdom in Christ is expanding, and God has been working this and Judea and Galilee, the Southern and Northern of these three provinces were all Jewish, but the middle one Samaria has been quasi Jewish.
If you will. I mentioned that in acts chapter eight, these were people, the Samaritans who were sort of hybrids, they had built into their faith. Aspects of Judaism. They viewed themselves as part it, they were circumcised. They, they participated in, in some of the practices of, of the Jewish faith. They believed in the Torah, the first five books of the law, it was their guidance for faith and practice.
And they were looked at as a sect of Judaism, often looked down by the purebred Jews of Jeru. but Peter and John had gone up to Samaria in acts chapter eight, and Peter had seen for himself, this is real. And he saw what I called a, a Samaritan Pentecost where the spirit came upon the people and they spoke in the sign gifts and manifested the same work that had happened at the day of Pentecost and Peter, his, his, his perspective has grown he's thought, wow, the gospel of Jesus, isn't just the kingdom of Christ.
Isn't just for what we understand is used. It's even for the hybrids, the Samaritan God has been working, God has been expanding the church. He's doing this. He is also expanding UN one, the understanding of the Jews in terms of what he is going to do in acts chapter 10. He's been doing things in a big picture way, but he also is doing it in the details.
If you look at that visual again, if we can just hold that there, bring that back for a second. You'll know the white, the white path. First, it goes up vertically and to Samaria the city of Samaria and then comes back down. That was Peter. Peter went up there and Samaria, he saw what was going on with the hybrid Jews that they had truly embraced the gospel.
He's come back to Jerusalem. Now he's on another trip and this is what we're reading about. It's that trip that is going westward towards the great sea. The Mediterranean sea Lida is the first city. We'll see. The second is Joppa, but if you look at that map and you follow your way up along the coastline, you see a little town called Caesarea.
That's where this Roman Centurian is, is living a guy over a bunch of Roman Legionnaires, Cornelius that we're gonna read about in acts chapter 10, and God is leading him first allali then to Joppa. And then the next place is gonna be Caesarea. God is working in all of this. God is motivating, moving things, shaping things all towards what is going to transpire in acts chapter 10 and 11 as I reflected on that.
And, and one of the questions that commentators have is why did Luke include at the end of chapter nine, these two healing events. I mean, Peter's been healing people he's been doing all this. Why? Why not just go right to the, the, the, the home run, you know, the Cornelius story. Why does he include, he is trying to say, God is at work.
He is preparing the way he's doing it. Circumstantially. He is also going to be doing it within Peter himself. God is moving in all the details of chapter nine. Just as much as God is going to be moving in. Acts chapter 10, I read a, an account recently by Tim Keller that he, he made a number of years ago where he was highlighting what, what is called the Providence of God.
The fact that God is at work in all things to accomplish his purposes and the word Providence is the word provide to provide good things. I wanna just read what he shared. He said God's plan includes little things. It has to, most of us don't think of this in this way. Everything it says in proverb 16, the lot is cast in the lap, but the disposal is of the Lord's.
That means even when you flip a coin, if it comes down heads or it comes down tails, it was part of his plan. Nothing is left out of his plan. Okay. That's the first thing I wanna stress. Let me push it a little bit. People say, come on. Nothing. Are you telling me that tie Tim Keller is wearing today was part of God's plan for all eternity.
Are you trying to tell me the shoes I decided to wear today were part of God's plan, little things like that. Well, there are only little things to you and me because we are so unwise, there are no little things in 1912, somebody tried to shoot Teddy Roosevelt and they did. They shot him in the chest. Do you know why he lived?
Because he happened to have his glasses case on this side. Instead of on this side, your marriage is your careers. What school you go to very often are based on so-called little things. Let me give you a quick example. The reason I'm a Presbyterian minister was because of a particular faculty member that came to my seminary.
My last. And pushed me over the edge. When it came to my theological understanding, I decided, I think I need to be a Presbyterian. That's the reason I'm here today. Pastoring a Presbyterian church. Why did that faculty member come? The only reason he came that year was he was British and he was having a lot of trouble getting a passport to come and teach at my seminary in Massachusetts.
But somebody pulled strings for him from real high up one day, somebody came out looking for him, calling his name out. Somebody came out when he was standing in this long line and called him in and said, you're going to be in America within a week. We got word from real high up. Well, do you know who that was?
It was a guy named Mike Ford. Mike Ford was the son of the president, the United States at the time Mike Ford was the son of Gerald Ford. Mike Ford was a student at Gordon Conwell theological seminary, where I was. He found a way to get this particular faculty member to Gordon Conwell because his father was the president.
Do you know why his father was the president because of the Watergate scandal? Nixon had resigned and Gerald Ford was the president. That's the reason Mike Ford had the clout to get this guy over there. That's the reason why he was there. That's the reason I became a Presbyterian. That's the reason I'm talking to you right now.
Why did Nixon fall? Because some stupid Watergate burglar left the door open one night and some guard, some guard noticed the door was open. Now, what if that guard hadn't gone by that day? Maybe he went by that day because that morning you didn't eat breakfast and he got in a little bit early. Do you see, I wouldn't be here.
If that guard hadn't seen that door. That's the way everything in your life is God is at work in the details. God is working his plan. You may say, I, I can't begin to understand. Nope. I can't put all this together, mark. Nope, you can't. You're not asked to, you're asked to just say, wow, he's big. And here I am in acts nine and, and this is cool.
And there's some cool things Peter's gonna do, but whoa, it's the acts 10 things. I wanna be a part. It's the acts 10. I want God to do the acts. 10 big stuff. Change my family. Work in my, in my work, answer my concerns. Show me the way do the movement be gods add work all the time.
God is a work in the details in Tim Keller's life in Peter's life, in your life. Right now, God is orchestrating circumstances in your life for what he plans to do later, acts 10 is momentous, but God's just as big in acts chapter nine, and God is also at work in his messenger. God is authenticating his messenger.
We see what God was doing through Peter. It's important to remember the unique role of the apostles. I've said this before in the book of acts, it often talks about the signs of the apostles healings, exorcism passing on the gift of, of, of tongues and others to authenticate their position as messengers of a new era in God's dealing with humans, I've mentioned to you that, that there are three errors of history where God did spectacular signs in order to inaugurate a new messaging.
It was the time of Moses and, and there you have the plagues of Egypt and all that God did. And the man in the wilderness and the red sea crossing and all that stuff. And, and in acts chapter seven, Steven talks about the signs of Moses, the prophet, the only, the next, that was a period of miraculous happenings, authenticating the messenger.
We fast forward a number of centuries to a time of Elijah and Elijah. And there were signs of miraculous. If you think historically through the Bible, you'll find there were all kinds of miracles in Moses day, and then there's not much. And then you come to Elijah and Elijah, and there's all this stuff going on.
Again, calling fired down from Mount Carmel, throwing an ax head that's floating in, in the wa in all kinds of other things he's doing. And again, there are signs as they were beginning the prophetic message for Israel, and then you fast forward centuries again, to the time of Jesus and the apostles. And again, there are these spectacular demonstrations that just authenticate the messengers.
Luke is highlighting some of the authenticating activities that Peter is doing here. And it's almost as if he wants say, look, I'm gonna tell you in acts chapter 10, about what Peter saw, remember who Peter was. Remember who, who, who God made him. He is authenticated by very unique miracles. One of those is found here in verses 2032 to 34 35.
And what he happens when he comes to this little town, Lida is he comes to a man that is paralyzed. This man is, um, it says in verse 33 bedridden for eight years, who is paralyzed. Now, there are four different types, four different, uh, categories of paralysis that, that most medical people identify with.
One is mono plegia, which is a type of paralysis that impacts one limb such as an armor leg. There's he, he hemiplegia is a paralysis that embarks one impacts one side of your body. Um, least parts of that one side. there is what we call paraplegia is a paralysis that affects all part of the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs.
Often the result of a, uh, a significant spinal cord injury. And then of course the most severe quadriplegia is a paralysis of oral. All four Quadra is four, all four of our limbs, both arms, both legs. Basically the entire body is paralyzed. I don't know which of these this guy had, but I know it's either number three or four.
He is either a paraplegic or a quadriplegic. He is utterly bedridden for eight years, undoubtedly, because he's a grown man. This happened well into his life. He had a severe injury, probably a spinal cord injury. Everybody in the town knows about this. It's a little town lit is not a big place. Everybody knows about this guy.
They know that this guy is stuck in bed, unable to get out. Every day for eight years, they've had to roll him to protect him from getting bed sores. They've had to wipe him and wash him and care for him because he can't do that for himself. He's lived in the, in the, in the bondage of a body that is trapped there.
And then in one of the most beautiful pictures that I think in the book of acts, Peter says to him, rise up and make your bed. I just thought, I love that phrase. This is a guy that can't move for eight years and the Lord says, man, rise up. And the first thing do turn around. You make your own bed today.
You do your own life today. You're not dependent on anybody today. Can you imagine what this moment was for this man? And the word spreads and people are overwhelmed with the, the miraculous power that it, that has manifested in all the residents of Lida and Sharon som. And they turned to the Lord. It authenticated Peter, and it authenticated him primarily because it gave him a miracle that paralleled that was a sign in the same way, a similar miracle by Jesus in John chapter five, verse eight, where he says to there a man in paralysis, he says, rise, take up your bed and walk.
He also authenticated him here in verse 35 to 42 here. It's a Christian woman named Tabitha. This is the next town over. It's on the seaside. Now just south of Caesarea. It's where they hear about him up. Up in Caesarea and here again, Peter is, is authenticated as a messenger of God in a most amazing way.
He or he actually has the capacity. He does this with one person. Paul will later do this with one person. He actually has the power to raise somebody back from the dead. It's a Christian woman named Tabitha. It's a striking passage that also has obvious overtones and reminisces of what took place by Elijah and Elijah.
Listen to this account. It says this in these verses about Peter, when he raises Tabitha or dark DOCA up says, um, but Peter in verse 40, put them all outside in the bedroom and Nel down and prayed and turned into the body, said Tabitha rise. And she opened her eyes. And when she saw Peter, she sat up in second Kings four verse 2030, verse 32.
And following this happened with Elijah. Elijah came into the house, he saw the child lying dead in his bed. So he went in, shut the door behind him, the two of them and prayed to the Lord. And the boy was raised from the dead. It happened with Elijah in one Kings chapter 17, verse 17. And he said to her, give me your son.
And he took him from her arms and carried him up into the upper chamber where lodge and laid him on his own bed, prayed over him. And the boy was raised. Luke is intentionally trying to say. God is authenticating Peter to be a messenger of the message that he's gonna be given in acts 10, 10, 11 with these spectacular acts, just like he did with Jesus, just like he did with Elijah and Elijah.
God also is adjusting his messenger. Look at verse 43, just an interesting side note that Luke sort of throws in there and Peter is staying in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a Tanner, a Tanner was a guy. Um, tans hides basically takes dead animals, cleans out, take cuts off the fur. The skin cleans the flash off it and basically tans it, you know, get the hide, ready to be put into clothes.
It actually was a, a profession that one often was declared unclean in the Jewish faith because you did it because you weren't supposed to be around dead bodies. Yet Simon is in this guy's house. And again, I just feel like God is progressively working in the heart of Simon. First. He sends him to Samaria and says, you know, the Jews that you think are hybrids and our outsiders, they're getting the gospel they're being brought in.
Now I'm gonna put you in the house of a guy that, that, that some of those historically oral tradition adherence think is is, is unclean. We're gonna put you there again, all of that is preparing Peter for what's coming in, acts chapter 10 in 11, but God is adjusting his messenger. The other thing I see in this passage is God is working circumstantially, but God is also working in his man in his messenger.
Whatever's going on in your life right now. whatever's not going on that you want to be going on. God has ordained that that would be a part of deepening your life message for him. John Wesley was addressed by a bunch of students once. How can we, how can we really be? You have the influence in the gospel that you have.
And, and Wesley just said to them, deepen your life message. God will broaden your ministry. God is deepening. Peter's life message. He's growing him. Are you letting him do that with you? Are you in circumstances saying, Lord, this isn't necessarily how I'd want, or I just feel like I'm sort of on the, on the outside looking in or nothing exciting is going on in my Christian life.
I, I wanna be making a difference and the Lord says, wait, are you embracing the moment? So what are our takeaways from this text? This too? I think there's something we need to remember. And there's something we need to do. We need to remember God was at work in all these circumstances. God is at work. You may find yourself today in the prelude.
It feels like the prelude of acts nine. There's so much you long to see God do. And so many questions. You need him to answer those unresolved issues. Unanswered prayers, unchanged, loved ones, unclear paths ahead. It seems God is not at work. At least not in the way that you hope God is at work. God is moving.
Remember God does not waste experiences. What is going on in your life right now is what you would pray for. If you knew everything that God does, we need to remember. And secondly, we need to embrace. We need to embrace the moment. This I'm closing. There was a 28 year old young man, along with four other pilots who had left Wheaton.
Uh, they were hot for Christ. They went down with their young families to minister in Ecuador, south America. And one of them had written a statement that became a famous phrase afterwards. It was this statement said by Jim Elliot, wherever you are be all there. He didn't know that a few months later, what God was going to do was to allow he and the other four missionary pilots to fly in and, and, and bring their, their plane down, uh, their sea plane down on, on a sandbar, on a river in the middle of Ecuador.
And the minute and the, and, and the, the tribe of people that they were trying to reach with the gospel were going to brutally slay, all five of them. He didn't know that the result of that would be that their story would be the cover story for life magazine would literally go around the world. He didn't know that his death and the death of his other four friends would be the catalyst for the greatest migration to world missions among adults that happened in a century.
He wouldn't know that, but he did know this, that wherever he was in, whatever he was doing, he wanted to be wherever he was all there. Are we all there? Are we all there today? Are we saying, God, alls I see is what you're not doing. Alls I see is what you're not answering. All I see is where you're not. He says I'm here.
Remember I'm always at work. Remember to embrace this moment and say, God, right here in acts chapter nine, I really wanna be in an acts 10 or acts two with Pentecost. No, he says right here, are you all there? Are you all in? Because just like Tim Keller reminds us and Dr. Luke reminds us, God is working. God is working.
God is working. Are we looking, are we embracing? Are we available for all that he has right now? Lord, we look to you today.
You're a big God, you rule the cosmos, and yet you arrange the little circumstances of our lives. We have no idea how you do it,
but Lord, we wanna live our lives as if there really is a big God that is orchestrating our circumstances. We wanna live with that faith. We want to be all there. So Lord, for the many, maybe that feel discouraged and feel their languaging and their Christian journey. God sound the siren to call us back to wholeheartedness towards.
Stir our hearts say, God right here right now. I want to be your man. I want to be your woman. I want to be your young person.
I want to be all there in Jesus name. I pray. Amen. Now go in peace to love and serve and enjoy the Lord.