Resource Center

The Resource Center

The Resource Center at FCC holds a wide variety of resources, including theological reference guides, Christian fiction, Christian living, children’s books, family DVDs, and contemporary Christian CDs.

It’s open every Sunday morning from 9:15-12:30. If you are interested in helping, send an email to Jody Woods at

You can now search the library database by downloading the library catalog from the link on this page. You can then browse by author, title, subject type of media, series or publication date. We also encourage you to stop by and see what we have. New books, movies, and audio books are ordered frequently, so you just might be able to find the latest from your favorite authors – and read them for free! For more info about the Resource Center contact John and Linda Pickard at If you would like to join our library staff on a rotating basis approximately every 4 weeks, contact Jody Woods at

Questions & Answers

Regular attendees of FCC may borrow items. The first time you check something out, the library attendant will enter your contact info into the computerized circulation system.

Although the Resource Center functions as a lending library, we are not a place to hibernate for quiet reading. It is a center for discussion, encouraging others, and checking out resources to use for public and private ministry. It is often “noisy” with people talking.

Books may be checked out for 4 weeks. DVDs and CDs may be checked out for 2 weeks.

You may borrow up to 5 books and 3 DVDs at a time.

We do not issue fines, but do send email notices or call with reminders to return overdue items. Please remember to return items promptly as others may be waiting to use them. You don’t need to wait until Sunday to return materials. They can be returned at any time by using the Book Return slot beside the door of the Resource Center.

If you lose an item, please notify the library staff. We would ask that you pay for it to be replaced.

Yes, we are happy to take donations. Items that we do not choose to keep are placed on our Free Books cart for anyone to take. If you donate materials and would like them returned to you if we do not use them, please be sure to leave contact info. Donations can be dropped off in the church office if the library is not open. We are especially looking for books newer than 2010. See the list posted on the wall just outside the library door to see Fiction books we are seeking to complete our existing series.

Our library catalog and circulation system is computerized. The library staff can search for items by author, title, or subject.

No. You will need to come into the Resource Center on Sunday to check the material out.